Plan Your New Outdoor Living Space! Talk To A Landscape Designer From Our Design & Build Group, Villa Landscapes

Job Application

  • All information obtained within this application will be held in strict confidence, subject to applicable law.
  • Please complete all applicable sections and sign the last page.

Patio Town prides itself on being an Equal Opportunity Employer. We will not discriminate in employment because of sex, age, race, physical disability, religion, ethnicity, mental disability, marital status, ancestry, or place of origin.

Contact information
Job information
Days / hours available for work
Educational Background
Previous Employment
List below your last three employers, starting with the most recent.
Employer 1
Employer 2
Employer 3
Driver Information
If you are applying for a position that requires driving, please complete this section.
Note: If you are selected for an interview, you are required to present a copy of your driving record that is not more than 4 weeks old. After being hired, a copy of this driving record will be placed into your personnel file and an annual update will be required.
False information given or implied on an application form is grounds for immediate dismissal without further notice. I hereby state that all information provided is accurate and may be verified by you. I agree that I may be discharged if Patio Town at any time learns of falsification or material omission in the information provided on this application form and related documents. Patio Town may contact my former employer in connection with the consideration of my employment with them. All references are hereby authorized to release all information which they may have relevant to my employment with them. I hereby release Patio Town, its affiliates, successors, and assigns, and all references from any liability that might be claimed because of information provided by such references. By submitting, I agree that I will follow all Company policies, rules, procedures, and all other directions pertaining to my employment. I understand that Patio Town reserves the right to add, change, and/or delete any policies, procedures, work rules, and/or benefits at any time.
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